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Developing the Heroine's Journey on a Story Board

First of all, in order to understand your characters, you need to know/decide upon your hero//heroine and villain’s goal, motivation and conflict. I recommend and use, Debra Dixon’s book: Goal, Motivation & Conflict: The Building Blocks of Good Fiction. Using this book as a basis along with the previously mentioned The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler I was fortunate to come across in the fall of 2015, an author by the name of Laurie Schnebly. She teaches a variety of writing classes. For more information contact her website: or at a website known as Writer’s University with an email address of. . She has a newsletter and has been a tremendous help.

She has developed this amazing month long class entitled: The Heroine’s Journey. In the class you discover there are 13 steps to use to grow your heroine and effect change. I wrote each of these steps on separate/small white squares, backed them on black poster board, laminated then posted them on a yellow strip of poster board, starting at the bottom of the board with #1 and finishing at the top of the board with #13. Once again, each time my heroine completes a step, I staple a check mark over it.

Next Week I will discuss Part 4- Character Flaws

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